Yellow! It is not a color
Yellow! It is not a color

2011, oil on panel, 18 x 24 inches,

Private Collection, France


2006, oil on canvas, 60x48

Tri-Best in Show, Contemporary American Realism Biennial Fort Wayne Museum of Art 2008

Private Collection, France

Bajo la luna tejana
Bajo la luna tejana

2007, oil on canvas, 40x32 inches

Private Collection, France


2008, Oil on canvas, 45x52 inches

Private Collection, France

Misconception of an Innocent
Misconception of an Innocent

2008, oil on linen, 48 x 60 inches,

Private Collection, France


2008, oil on linen, 36 x 28 inches,

Private Collection, France

Cleaning out the Rabbit Hole
Cleaning out the Rabbit Hole

2009, oil on panel, 30 x 24 inches,

Private Collection, France

but the winds come anyway (winter)
but the winds come anyway (winter)

2010, oil on panel, 24 x 30 inches

Courtesy of Galerie l’Échaudé, Paris, France

Predicted Outcome Does Not Occur
Predicted Outcome Does Not Occur

2009, oil on linen, 36 x 48 inches,

Private Collection, France

The Three of Us
The Three of Us

2009, oil on linen, 30 x 24 inches,

Private Collection, France

No, YOU take the penguin!
No, YOU take the penguin!

2006, oil on linen, 36 x 24 inches,

Private Collection, France

study, but the winds come anyway
study, but the winds come anyway

2011, graphite on Fabriano, 18 x 26 inches,

Private Collection, France

(study) I doubted if I should ever come back
(study) I doubted if I should ever come back

2011, graphite on Fabriano, 14 x 19 inches,

Private Collection, France

(study) chicken or the egg?
(study) chicken or the egg?

2010, graphite on paper, 16 x 14 inches

Courtesy of Galerie l’Échaudé, Paris, France

Yellow! It is not a color
Bajo la luna tejana
Misconception of an Innocent
Cleaning out the Rabbit Hole
but the winds come anyway (winter)
Predicted Outcome Does Not Occur
The Three of Us
No, YOU take the penguin!
study, but the winds come anyway
(study) I doubted if I should ever come back
(study) chicken or the egg?
Yellow! It is not a color

2011, oil on panel, 18 x 24 inches,

Private Collection, France


2006, oil on canvas, 60x48

Tri-Best in Show, Contemporary American Realism Biennial Fort Wayne Museum of Art 2008

Private Collection, France

Bajo la luna tejana

2007, oil on canvas, 40x32 inches

Private Collection, France


2008, Oil on canvas, 45x52 inches

Private Collection, France

Misconception of an Innocent

2008, oil on linen, 48 x 60 inches,

Private Collection, France


2008, oil on linen, 36 x 28 inches,

Private Collection, France

Cleaning out the Rabbit Hole

2009, oil on panel, 30 x 24 inches,

Private Collection, France

but the winds come anyway (winter)

2010, oil on panel, 24 x 30 inches

Courtesy of Galerie l’Échaudé, Paris, France

Predicted Outcome Does Not Occur

2009, oil on linen, 36 x 48 inches,

Private Collection, France

The Three of Us

2009, oil on linen, 30 x 24 inches,

Private Collection, France

No, YOU take the penguin!

2006, oil on linen, 36 x 24 inches,

Private Collection, France

study, but the winds come anyway

2011, graphite on Fabriano, 18 x 26 inches,

Private Collection, France

(study) I doubted if I should ever come back

2011, graphite on Fabriano, 14 x 19 inches,

Private Collection, France

(study) chicken or the egg?

2010, graphite on paper, 16 x 14 inches

Courtesy of Galerie l’Échaudé, Paris, France

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